Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Garlic Roasted Potatoes

This is more of a suggestion than a recipe. I have made these potatoes more than I can count. Jared Loves them!! Jared isn't a fan of baked potatoes so this is my alternative. I like to eat them dipped in BBQ sauce or ketchup but they are also great by themselves.

3 lb. red potatoes (or as many as your family will eat)
1/4 cup Olive Oil ( or until potatoes are coated)
1 Tbsp. Salt (or until it looks right)
4-5 garlic cloves, chopped (add or minus a few)
2 Tbsp. Parsley (just eyeball it)

Chop potatoes into desired wedges. I usually cut them pretty small so they become more crisp. Then add the remaining ingredients. Place in a 400 degree oven on a roasting pan, covered in aluminum foil. Bake for 45-60 minutes or until golden brown. Sometimes I bump the temp. up really high halfway through to speed things up and they still turn out great!

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